Return an item
You may return all items in their original condition, unworn, unwashed or unaltered, within 30 days of receiving your order.
Prepare your return
When you received your package, you received a delivery note. This delivery note also serves as your return form.
Include the items you wish to return in your package along with the completed return form.
Send your package
You write on your package, the destination address which is written on the return form.
Once the package has been sent, keep the proof of delivery until you receive an email confirming that the package has been received.
If necessary, all the information about your order was sent to you by email on the day of your order.
Get your money back
We will refund you with the same payment method or with a gift card if you wish. After verification of the good condition of the returned items, the refund is made within 15 days.
However, you are responsible for the return shipping costs.